Speaker Update - 8th November 2023 - Liam Follin and Steve Wilson

First of all, huge thanks to Tim Wilkes for his infosec horror stories last month. It was a bit of a departure from our usual format, but think all who attended thoroughly enjoyed it.
In November, we're excited to go back to having 2 speakers. First up* we have Liam Follin talking about data exfiltration methods, followed by Steve Wilson providing PCI insights in his presentation "Authorisations and PINs", an overview of an authorisation messaging, the crypto in use, and how PINs are secured.
We're meeting at the usual place and time:
The Cross Keys
107 Water Ln,
LS11 5WD
Wednesday 8th November, 7pm onwards (although some of us are often a bit earlier) in the function room upstairs.
As ever, if you've got a talk you'd like to share, just have a word with either myself, Laura or Glenn.
*Lineup may switch depending on the outcome of rock, paper, scissors by the speakers